Matchplay and Tennis Ladder in Denver, Colorado

Ladder Format, Rules & Info

* Regularly scheduled matches every week
* 2 out of 3 sets (first to 6 games, win by 2, at 6-6 a standard tie-breaker to 7 is played)
* 3rd set = 10 point super tie-breaker
* No Ads (Receiving team decides on side)

* You must play a total of 4 matches to qualify for the Championship Week Tournament
* Report (winner responsible) your scores to on the google spreadsheet (registered users only!)
* If a player retires or forfeits, you may still report the score.
* Play hard. Play fair. Have fun and be safe.

DEFAULTS occurs when…
* A player cancels a match within 2 hours of the match time.
* A player is more than 15 minutes late for a match.

Players should use their best judgment and respect the etiquite of the game.
* If a shot is too close to tell if it was in or out, it should be called in.
* If a dispute cannot be resolved by the players, contact a coach present or LoHi Tennins directly resolve the dispute.

* Court time and balls for matchplay are included in your fee
* Scores posted by Sunday @11:59pm
* Must be logged in to view ladder standings, schedule, bracket
* Email for any further questions

Steps To Register

  1. Sign Up/Log In to account
  2. Select ladder you wish to participate in (above)
  3. Click on ‘Register and Pay’ link (above)
  4. Purchase ladder entry via PayPal link
  5. We will email you confirming your registration and give you access to the ladder standings/schedule/rules
Example Schedule/Leaderboard